Since its publication in 1897 Country Life magazine has featured many of the world's finest buildings and country houses designed and built by some of Great Britain's most noted architects. On this page we celebrate a collection of architects and landscape designers from 16th century to modern day. From the grandest designs of Sir John Vanbrugh and John Nash to the Parkland and gardens by Capability Brown and Humphrey Repton and the country estates by Richard Norman Shaw, Philip Tilden and Edwin Lutyens in partnership with Gertrude Jekyll. The Modernist Movement featuring the likes of Oliver Hill, Phipps & Milne, Edward Maufe and Serge Chermayeff.
Country Life holds a fascinating record of interiors, décor and furniture featuring the works of Robert and James Adam, neoclassical architects, interior designers and furniture makers through to the Arts and Crafts Movement, works by William Morris and Art Nouveau, Art Deco and designers of the 1930's such as Raymond McGrath, Oswald Milne and Thomas Tait.
Our Country Life archives contain articles written by Gertrude Jekyll titled 'In the Garden' and issues featuring Jekyll's renowned garden designs that enhanced Edwin Lutyens' Arts and Crafts country houses, including Munstead Wood (Jekyll's own home), Orchards and Millmead House in Bramley and Crooksbury in the county of Surrey.
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